Apartment Hunting

4 Ways to Insulate Your Apartment For Fall and Winter

Don't let the cold in and the heat escape

We realize that summer isn't even over, but there's no better time to prepare your apartment for colder weather than now. In fact, properly insulating your apartment is a smart thing to do for energy conservation year-round, and it doesn't actually have to cost you very much.

The 5 Safest Pest Control Products for Your Apartment

Ants, roaches, and mice. Oh my.

You're as happy as a clam with everything, and then you find a couple of dead roaches underneath the kitchen sink, something you didn't notice when you were touring the place.

Top 8 Things to Check Before You Rent an Apartment

It's more than just about how good it looks

We've assembled a list of key factors that should play a role in your apartment search. Here's our comprehensive list that should have the vital aspects covered. If you go down this list, you should be well-poised to make a good choice. 

What's More Important for Your New Apartment, Space or Amenities?

Finding the right apartment might have you choosing between these two factors.

In your search for a new apartment, there are numerous considerations. Size, number of rooms, location, appliances, amenities, and then, of course, rent. But when it comes to deciding what apartment to rent there are two factors that can often conflict with each other, all things being equal. Should you opt for more space, or should you look for an apartment that has all the amenities you would like to have? We provide our two cents worth on this very pragmatic question.

Spring is Here. Is it Time to Move?

Not quite the busy season

Around the country, things are starting to thaw. Temps are climbing, and people are getting back out now that it's no longer bone-chilling outside. Aside from going to work and running weekend errands, you may have been holed up in your apartment. It just so happens that you've grown tired of your current place, and you're looking for a new living situation. Now that the weather has turned, is it the right time to start looking for a new place?

How to Winterize Your Apartment

It's time to do a walkthrough and make changes before it gets cold.

We're sure you've heard of winterizing your car, but have you thought about doing something similar for your apartment? Well, it's definitely a thing, and it's as much about comfort and good living conditions as it is about saving you on utility costs. If you haven't already taken the time to prep for the colder weather where you live (we make exceptions for Florida and Southern California residents since their temps tend not to plunge like the rest of the country).