It's a momentous occasion when you move out to live on your own. Getting out from under your parents' roof is a big deal, but there's still a lot of work to do, even if you've already found an apartment that works for you. You might think it's enough to just pack your suitcase and a few other items (TV!), but there's so much more you need in order to function properly and not have to order things from Amazon when you're in a pinch.

Living independently also means you shouldn't depend on your parents anymore. Growing up means doing things on your own, buying things on your own, and generally just being a responsible adult. We're here to help you plan well, and part of that is giving you a list of essentials that will set the stage for your first apartment.



Even though you may have been fine in a bean bag chair during your college years, you can't exactly get away with that as a young, hopefully employed, adult. You'll need some basic furniture items for your place. We're assuming you don't have a huge, three-bedroom apartment, so let's stick with the essentials to establish a strong base. We'll make suggestions for items that won't break the bank but still look and feel great. Who knows, you might even be able to have guests over.



Your bathroom in your new apartment might be pretty basic, but that doesn't mean you can't dress things up to make it a bit fancier, especially when your friends and family come over to visit. You don't want your gross toothpaste tube and toothbrush just hanging out for all to see, and there are some inexpensive items you can buy to make it look and feel fresh. Don't forget that deodorizer!



You'll figure out quickly that you're going to spend a lot of time in the kitchen because no one will cook for you anymore. That's right, you're gonna have to learn how to fend for yourself, as well as potentially prepare meals for others. No more mac and cheese or chicken nuggets, and forget ordering in every night because that costs too much. With time, patience, and some decent supplies, you'll be on your way.



There's no way you're going to decorate of fix things in your apartment if you don't have a good toolkit. Plus, there are plenty of DIY videos on the internet to help you. It's probably not a great idea to spend a ton of money on a contractor-grade set, but you should have all the essentials, including a cordless drill. You'll also need safety items and even a step stool to help you get to those hard-to-reach places. Oh, and don't forget to clean up afterwards.